Koriala GT Z is a super beautiful and sweet mare about 168cm tall. She is very easy to deal with. Koriala is also very social with other horses on the pasture.
She is extremely well bred with several top show jumping horses from her line. It is a descendant of Kioto van het Simsehof (150cm level, see last photo) from the mare Lady Asborne Z, this is a descendant of L’amour Z (V. Laudanum).
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Koriala is already jumping a lot of courses, without being difficult! She jumps over all the planks and fences, she doesn’t even look at a water bowl. Now we are preparing her for the 4-year cycle.
She is very willing to work and has an incredible mentality.
Nothing is too much a lot for her. Although she is still very green, we think she is suitable for someone who is looking for a first horse or who is looking for a horse for a long time that you can ride with a safe feeling.
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She is Rx approved including back and neck. Her lungs, heart, etc. have also been checked and are declared to be in perfect order.
She is being sold due to lack of time since I started working full-time again.
We are looking for a very good home for koala!!