For sale: a very nice future sports horse.
Perfect Black, son of Olympic bronze medal winner Glamourdale, came to our stable untrained in April this year. During that time we got to know him as an incredibly sweet, handsome and willing horse. He has been under saddle for a few months now and is taking it well. He is very social towards other horses and very easy to get along with. A few weeks ago we even took him to a practice match where he scored above 70%. He has a very nice desire to drive. Show three good gaits, with very active use of the hind leg.
In short, an incredibly interesting and uncomplicated horse! We would therefore like it if it ended up with someone who would work with it fanatically! 🙂
X-ray approved incl. neck and back (over-approval is no problem, at buyer’s expense).
Asking price 18,000.-
For more information please call/app/email 0653727054