2021 gelding 169 cm Almost 4y old, ridden, easy flying changes. No injures, regular hoof, normal 3 gaits, super galopp.
ppe done, incl. Xrays.
whatsapp for more Videos and similar horses.
0049 1521 3360601
Solvable transporting worldwide.
2021 gelding 169 cm Almost 4y old, ridden, easy flying changes. No injures, regular hoof, normal 3 gaits, super galopp.
ppe done, incl. Xrays.
whatsapp for more Videos and similar horses.
0049 1521 3360601
Solvable transporting worldwide.
Category: Show jumping horse
Age: 3
Level: 1.00m
Gender: Gelding
Studbook: Westphalia
Color: Brown
Height of withers: 169
X-ray approved: Yes
X-ray approved: Yes