Reliable KWPN mare for sale by order of Negro x Democraat (all-rounder). Height 168.
Jane Fonda, a sweet and reliable daughter of the famous dressage stallion Negro (v Ferro). The mother’s father is a Democrat. Jane therefore has both dressage and jumping blood.
Jane is 10 years old and is mainly ridden in dressage (L level). Also regularly goes on outdoor rides (alone or together) and is very reliable. She also knows the basics of groundwork and dressage.
Good on strange terrain and with a farrier, dentist, osteopath, etc. Jane loads easily onto the truck, the trailer will need to be practiced with.
No pronounced mare behavior. Is used to being with other horses. Jane would like to work for you. i.v. lack of ambition not entered in competition. Given her pedigree, it is also interesting to breed a foal. Jane is therefore a good all-rounder, who would suit both a rider who enjoys competing with her and someone who simply wants to enjoy a trail ride or transition from pony to horse.
Small comment on neck (small fragment).
Items can also be taken over if necessary (including Erreplus dressage saddle).
A good home is important.
Videos via WhatsApp.
(Dressage horse, recreational horse, broodmare )