Narita is a 6 year old mare by Indian Rock x Lancet. Mother Tamarita (Lancet-Pinkus) is an elite mare.
Half sister Amarita (United-Lancet) is elite IBOP 80,t point.
Half sister Marita (Total US-Lancet) is elite Z2 dr. and Drenthe champion.
Son United-Lancet =Toto jr is Z1.
A lot of footage is available of this line.
This line breeds bloody, beautiful, honest and intelligent horses!
They walk!💪
Narita is a very sweet affectionate mare. Absolutely no ‘mare pranks’.
She had her first foal 2 years ago and she was a super good and protective mother.
Narita herself is classified Z1. Unfortunately, she is no longer suitable for the sport, but a recreational ride is possible.
She is currently ridden recreationally about 3 times a week, she is outside every day and in the walker.
She is very good with farrier, vet, etc.
Due to a complaint (arthrosis in SI/pelvis) and lack of stables (air suction) competitively priced.
X-ray neck, back and legs are good!.
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